f you could pick the best reason for having a dog?

What would it be?
The reasons are likely far too numerous to pick just one.

You have their cuteness. You have their cuddliness. You have their silliness.

And the fact that they just love you a whole lot and will be by your side for as long as they live.
All those great things get amplified when you have a big dog like a Great Dane.

The American Kennel Club describes Great Danes as “the might Apollo of Dogs,” which are “a total joy to live with.”

They stand about 32 inches at the shoulder and are even more massive when they stand on their hind legs.
“These powerful giants are the picture of elegance and balance, with the smooth and easy stride of born noblemen,” the AKC explains.

Their coat comes in different colors and most notably a black and white patchwork that’s referred to as harlequin.

While the Great Dane is known to be very sweet in its nature, it is also protective.
This and their intimidating size makes them excellent guard dogs for your home.

A single glance at these big good boys would make many take off running.
“But those foolish enough to mistake the breed’s friendliness for softness will meet a powerful foe of true courage and spirit. Patient with kids, Danes are people pleasers who make friends easily,” The AKC says.

Still owning a dog of this size is quite a responsibility. Yet the woman in the video below says it’s all worth it.

The best part about having a Great Dane for her is getting to come home to him.
Her rescued Great Dane gets so excited to see her that he doesn’t even let her get fully into the driveway.

He plops himself as close to the end of the driveway as he can just so that she has just enough space to pull in.

But not all the way.
That’s when his tail starts wagging wildly. She barely gets out of the car before he runs right up to her for some pets on the head. And he sure is happy to see her.

And getting to see his face at the end of a long day is one of the best parts of her day too. The video of this Great Dane greeting his mom in the driveway ended up going viral.

It was viewed more than 2.6 million times.
“Rescued animals are always the best. They know that they are being loved and for most people, I think the animal is the one that in turn rescues the people even more,” one commenter wrote.

“Having the privilege of caring for a Dane was truly one of my life’s great memories if you doubt that they are simply the best sweetest characters then you just haven’t met one,” said another.

By Admin