I don’t understand who decided that life stops after 50; My husband has no enthusiasm or energy. And I am 48, but I am not sitting still, maybe I will get married again, I will have 3 more children.

I decided to get acquainted and communicate with a young man through an online dating site.

I wrote to several people and one of them was very interested, we started chatting 24 hours a day. And my husband didn’t even realize I had my phone in my hand all the time.

We talked like that for a few days, neither I told my age nor he did. There are no pictures of either of us, we only know each other’s names․

Then this young man decides to call me for a date.

I thought, that this was my chance and I shouldn’t pass it up. I said I would come.

On the appointed day, I went to the date excitedly, like a 16-year-old girl in love. So I went to our arranged place and see that my son’s friend was standing there, so we had a few words with him.

The guy told me that he was waiting for someone, and decided to call and find out where his person was. At which point the call came to my phone. I didn’t know what to do, how to behave, I was ashamed, I just walked out and ran away from there. But even now I’m afraid that he will tell this story to my son. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know why my life is like this, I’m still the same miserable person.

By Admin