Chloe Cole said she launched legal action against the doctors to hold them ‘accountable’ for removing her breasts and pumping her full of puberty blockers.

The 18-year-old also told how she was ‘devastated’ by the operation and fears she will now never be able to bear children.

She transitioned to a male aged 13 after telling her parents she was ‘distressed’ with her gender and consulting medical professionals.

Cole, from Central Valley in California, had the life-changing surgery when she was just 15, before regretting it and de-transitioning a year later.

Now she said she was suing the doctors who performed on her and slammed them for letting a child make such a important decision.

She told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson: ‘They were concerned, and they wanted what was best for me.

But they weren’t really sure what to do with me, so they sought professional help and from then on, I was basically referred [to] in my gender identity without any questioning from any medical professionals, and they pushed transitioning as the way to treat gender dysphoria.’

She told how she was devastated about losing her breasts and was concerned she would never be able to have children.

Cole said: ‘As an adult, I will never be able to breast-feed whatever children I will have.

‘I don’t even know if, because I was put on puberty blockers and testosterone at only 13 years old, I don’t know if I’ll be able to conceive a child naturally.

‘I made an adult decision as a child.’ She said suing the doctors was an attempt to stop the practice from being done on other children.

She continued: ‘I want to hold the adults that put me in harm’s way accountable because what happened to me is horrible.

‘But it also didn’t only happen to me, that’s the worst part. It’s happening to children all over the U.S., all over the West, and it’s spreading all over the world.

Her attorney Harmeet Dhillon said they have brought a medical malpractice suit against the doctors and she was being represented by Center for American Liberty.

She said: ‘Our website at has the letter, a very detailed letter that details all of the medical symptoms that Chloe has and the medical malpractice.’

She added: ‘And frankly, the mutilation that was perpetrated by these medical professionals. We intend to shut down these barbaric and unnatural practices.’

Cole started suffering from gender dysphoria aged nine and spoke to a pediatrician about it when she was 12.

She claims she was then coerced into a gender transition operation and between the ages 13 and 17 took puberty blockers, hormones and had a double mastectomy.

Her lawsuit claims doctors told her her gender dysphoria would never go away and said she was at high risk of suicide unless she transitioned.

She claims they asked her parents: ‘Would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?’

Last month Cole branded Joe Biden’s stance on ‘gender-affirming’ medical treatment ‘dangerous.’

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