During an interview, Brad Pitt revealed his opinions on masculinity. This comes after the two-time Oscar winner walked the red carpet in Germany wearing a “linen skirt.” When challenged about his “fashion-forward” choice, Pitt answered, “We’re all going to die, so let’s mess it up.”
Pitt, who was born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri, told that Clint Eastwood-style masculinity was overbearing and out of date. It’s stressful to be anything other than who one is, Pitt stated. One has to realize, at least where he grew up, one is more like Clint Eastwood’s character: one keep everything inside one, one is capable, one can cope with anything, and one don’t show weakness. He see that in his father and older generations of performers, and it’s stressful.
After making such statements, Pitt was instantly chastised on social media by fans who felt it was all a publicity gimmick to repair his image following his ex-wife Angelina Jolie’s countersuit alleging physical abuse to her and two of their kids on a private jet ride six years ago.
On Twitter, not only was the hashtag #BradPittIsAnAbuser popular, however he was also criticized by “real men” who were insulted by his Clint Eastwood joke. “Brad Pitt,” he says. One of the most badass characters ever, created by Tyler Durden in 1999. To walking the red carpet in a skirt in 2022. This symbolises Western society’s degradation; true men need to rise now more than ever before, said one male Twitter user. Do not contract this feminist sickness.
There are those who raced into the Twin Towers on 9/11 while others fled, Josh L. remarked in response to Pitt’s remarks on masculinity. Guys who fought in Europe and the Pacific…these are men who made few, if any, complaints and contributed so much. He is sick of these metrosexuals who think they’re so great for reframing what men and women are.
If a man wants to wear a skirt, he is not a worthwhile member of society, said another. To sustain civilization, one need strong, capable manly guys, not feminine b*tch boys who can’t accomplish anything. Pitt’s statements profoundly angered several males.
In an interview in 2019, Brad Pitt stated that his film, Ad Astra, was about discovering the issue of toxic masculinity and its negative ramifications. What James [Gray] and he were delving at in retrospect was that concept of masculinity, Pitt explained. They both grew up in a time when they were expected to be strong…and there is significance in that, but it’s also a wall since one is masking some of the things one is embarrassed of. They all conceal and carry their own anguish and injuries.