At the present time, quite a lot of ladies give birth to children after 40 years. As far as some might be concerned, this is the ideal time, because the woman was able to achieve all that she wanted in a career plan and earn cash to raise future children.

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And some all the time attempting to have a baby and finally they managed to make it happen.

In this article, we want to talk about a 65-year-old German woman, Annegret Raunig, who gave birth to quadruplets. Besides, she has 13 children and 7 grandchildren.

You may be shocked that a woman wanted to give birth at such an age, yet indeed Annegret just loves children. That was the reason for bringing forth another child. In addition, her most youthful 10-year-old daughter dreamed of a younger sibling or sister.

All the specialists warned Annegret about the large dangers, yet this didn’t stop her – the woman by and by settled on artificial implantation of incipient organisms. Accordingly, she had four children.

All this time, Annegret functioned as a teacher and raised all the children herself. And the birth of a quadruple became a record that got into the Guinness Book.

3 years have passed since the appearance of the quadruple and the family has an exceptionally bustling life now. After the birth of the babies, the family moved from Berlin to Herster, where they purchased a large house.

The woman doesn’t stress over her future, because she is certain that she will be healthy and active for the vast majority more years. The teacher says that she made such a choice exclusively based on her cravings, and not without paying attention to the assessments of others.

In addition, the authorities helped the mother of many children by giving her two rewards. They also say that Annegret marked a contract with one TV channel, which currently has the option to talk about family life.

By Admin