I’m a taxi driver, I’m at work all day, I don’t communicate with any kind of person. But yesterday I had a passenger who was really worth this work, she was going out of the city, it was a long trip. I asked her. “Are you married?”, she said yes, but according to what she was wearing she wasn’t married at all.

Then I offered her to buy an ice cream on the way, she didn’t refuse, I thought that I had a chance to date with her. We were happily going and then her phone rang. After the call she asked me ”Do you wanna marry me?” I was stunned. I have been driving a taxi for so many years, but nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I said that I have a wife and I love her very much, but don’t mind to have a mistress. I agree, she said. I took her to the place she needed, she gave me her number and I left. Then I saw that my wallet was not there, she took it with all my hard earned money. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Now I will be more carefull with women.

By Admin