After falling from a cruise ship in the South Pacific, the Turkish owner of Tiffany’s jewelry empire died.

Dilek Ertek, who was 71 years old, fell into the sea near Tahiti while she was on vacation with her Swiss boyfriend.

The man on the island was questioned by the police after her family asked them to.

But he was later let go because there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him. He has since gone back to Switzerland.

Gokce Atuk, Ms. Ertek’s son, said that jewelry had been taken from the safe in her cabin on the Norwegian Spirit.

It was said that the crew kept an eye on her lover until the ship got to Papeete port.

Her family said that surveillance footage showed that she fell early in the morning of October 26, but she wasn’t reported missing for 20 hours.

People say that they are going to sue the ship’s operator.

Right away, a search for her body was set up, but it didn’t turn up.

Experts don’t understand how Ms. Ertek, who was just over 5’1″, could have fallen over the 3-foot-high guard rail to her cabin.

Captain Mustafa Can is said to have said, ‘It is difficult to fall from this type of passenger and cruise ship.’

The ship’s security footage is being looked at, and Turkish media say that it shows an unknown person falling into the water at that time.

In 1995, Ms. Ertek opened the first Tiffany & Co. store in Istanbul and was the brand supplier in Turkey.

By Admin